Share your Schwarze Story.

Share it with us and we might feature your submission in an upcoming post!

Please note; by uploading your photos, videos or stories, you are authorizing Schwarze to reuse the material on the internet without compensation to you. Schwarze may not be able to use all photos, videos or stories uploaded here because of the large number that we do receive. In addition, we will not republish photos or videos portraying unsafe operation of equipment, including unsafe depictions of children on or near equipment. If your submission is selected for republishing, it is possible your name will be called out in the post copy (only first name and last initial, ex: John D.).

The Schwarze social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn) are intended to provide a place for Schwarze fans to discuss the company, its products or promotions. We encourage open and dynamic conversation. Please understand that comments posted to the Schwarze social media channels do not represent the opinions of Schwarze.

To maintain a friendly and respectful environment for fans of all ages, we ask that you read, understand and follow the rules outlined below:

  • We expect users of Schwarze social channels to follow the community guidelines posted on the various channels’ web pages.
  • We reserve the right to correct factual errors.
  • Fans may not post anything that is spam, advertising of outside sources or links, a violation of intellectual property or law, abusive, profane or defamatory toward a person, entity or belief. Content that falls into these categories will be removed and anyone posting repeated violations will be banned from the page, if available.
  • Because safety around equipment is critical, we will remove videos and pictures portraying unsafe operation of equipment, including unsafe depictions of children on or near equipment, if that option is available.
  • While we encourage lively conversation, we reserve the right to delete comments at our discretion.