Late Summer Sweeping

Late summer and early fall, when many of the sweeping contractors are out mowing and landscaping, there doesn’t seem to be a need to sweep streets except for after parades and festivals. But for preventing stormwater pollution, this could not … Continued

Hush That Sweeper

Most of us don’t give much consideration to noise on a day-to-day basis, but you may find yourself on a job site in both business and residential areas that limit the decibel level permitted. Many cities have developed noise ordinances … Continued

Trade Shows and Demos

People often pass up on the opportunity to attend trade shows, due to not having the time, the extra expense or the travel distance, and when there is a dip in the economy, the attendance at the shows fall off … Continued

No Payments on New Schwarze Sweeper!

Looking to purchase a Schwarze sweeper? Wells Fargo can help with competitive rates, flexible terms, and outstanding service. Wells Fargo & Company is an American multinational banking and financial services holding company and the second largest bank in deposits, home … Continued

Sweeping Safety

The more routine a job becomes, the easier it is to forget safety concerns. We all must be reminded daily not to take safety for granted. Keep safety your top priority! Accidents can usually be prevented and are many times … Continued

Industrial PowerSource Magazine

PowerSource magazine interviewed Brian Giles, product manager for Schwarze Industries on how John Deere engines have powered Schwarze sweepers since 1979, and how the company has relied on Flint Power Systems and John Deere engines to meet each advancing emissions … Continued