Mechanical street sweepers are still utilized as the primary street sweeper type by a majority of municipalities within the United States. Mechanical street sweepers use a gutter broom to move the debris from the curb into the path of the main broom which then works with either a squeegee or a conveyor belt to move debris from the ground into a hopper contained within the unit.

Broom sweepers are very good at picking up debris in any weather condition and can “dig into” and remove hard packed dirt and mud. And onboard water spraying system (dust control) helps to mitigate dust when working in low debris areas.

The Schwarze® M6 Avalanche™ offers both types of conveyers for two types of sweeping jobs.

Belt Conveyer

Large Debris– Able to pick up large debris (plastic bottles, cans, branches).
Large amounts of leaves– Able to pick up wet and large amounts of leaves, better than any other sweepers.
Packed dirt– Effective at “digging into” and removing packed dirt from roadways.
Less power needed– Requires less power than regenerative air and vacuum sweepers.

Squeegee Conveyer

Wet Leaves– Effective for wet leaves and digging/sweeping packed dirt.
Coarse material– Able to sweep millings and coarse sand better than any other sweepers.
Less build up– Compared to belt sweepers, less daily build up.
Less power needed– Requires less power than regenerative air and vacuum sweepers.

If you have any additional questions or would like to know more about the Schwarze® M6 Avalanche. Please contact us here. And one of our Schwarze sweeper specialists will be glad to help you.

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